Back to school time again :)

It’s that time of year again and as the teen gets older he gets a little more reluctant to have his photo taken! Good job he loves his mum and gives in without too much moaning!

This is the last year we’ll see any red uniform because it’s Ella’s last year at infants. It’s unbelievable that next year our littlest person will be going to junior school.
I’ll be sad when she leaves her infants school because we’ve had children at that school since 2005 and we love everyone who works there.

Aiden left for school on his bike with plenty of time to spare, let’s see how long that lasts however, I noticed a little later that his lunch was still on the side! I hope he goes to student support or whatever it’s called and borrows some dinner money.


New winter coat which thankfully, due to the hot summer day, we could leave at home!

Kaycee was a little nervous about going back to school because she wasn’t sure which classroom she was going to so I had to walk her down rather than her going on her own when we got to Ella’s school.
Luckily, she’d seen one of her friends who lives on our street before we left and we ended up walking with S and her mum. Kaycee felt a little braver having S with her when she went to find out which class she was in 🙂
It was nice to walk with them and we’ve made plans to walk together on a regular basis.


Ella loves her coat and wanted to wear it to school. I’m happy to report that she forgot all about it and left it at home!

Ella was very excited to be going back to school but the closer we got the more nervous she got! It didn’t help that we were the last ones there because we’d had to stay a bit longer to get Kaycee sorted. Her teacher is obviously used to parents having these sort of problems the first few days back so she was fine and Ella quickly got herself sorted and sat down.
She’ll be totally fine tomorrow morning and hopefully Kaycee will be as well so we’ll be able to get Ella to school on time!



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