About Me :)
Shell Louise
My name’s Michelle but everyone calls me Shell.
I’m 43 and live in Lincoln with my wonderful husband, Anthony.
We were married in 2005 after meeting in an MSN parenting group.
I have Aiden (19) from a previous relationship
and we have KayCee (14)
and Ella (12), together.
Ant has 6 adult children from his first marriage, Jonathan, Jourdain, Kellyann, Jason, Jervais and Jerome and Jason has 2 wonderful boys of his own, J and D. Unfortunately, the boys live in Scotland with their mum so we don’t get to see much of them.
My family live in Derbyshire and the children go there most weekends to stay with Aiden’s dad.
They get to see my mum and dad, my brothers, sister, nieces and nephews on a regular basis which makes me happy.
I grew up being close to my aunts, uncles and cousins and I wanted the same for my children.
I miss seeing my family regularly but I love my life here in Lincoln :o)