First Week Back At Slimming World – 8lb Loss

My head was back in gear last week after the break I took from Slimming World. I started back as a new member, but I kept my weight loss history. There’s no way I’m losing that after all this time!
My 8lb loss was a surprise but I was delighted 🙂

I took some food diaries home and just got my head in the new member place. I measured everything, counted every syn and recorded it all in my food diary.

8lb Loss By Sticking To It 100%

To keep me on track, I made extra chilli last night and served it with cauliflower rice for my lunch. I know from previous experience that if I have a good Wednesday, I have a good week.

I’m not doing treat days anymore because they don’t work. They just set me on the wrong path and I end up trying all week to undo the damage from 1 day. It’s just not worth it.

3lb Loss

I’m aiming for a 3lb loss this week. It will take me back to the 25 stone category and give me my 5 stone award back.

I really want my 8.5 stone award back and I feel like I’m finally in the right place to get there.

8lb loss

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