Looking to the future


A general election always gets me thinking about the future. No matter who gets in, things are often uncertain for a while and it seems all everyone can talk about, depending on your political viewpoint, is the ‘good’ or ‘bad’ things that are ‘certain’ to happen because of the government.

I prefer to take on the, ‘we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it’ stance and try not to worry about the turn the country is going to take, after all, they do say worrying causes wrinkles and no one wants those!

When I look to the future, I prefer to focus on things like the children. I wonder what they’re going to choose to do with their lives and I wish I had a crystal ball or a pack of tarot cards (and the knowledge of how to use them!) so I can find out today! I’m so eager to see the kind of adults they’re going to become, the jobs they’re going to choose and whether they’re going to have 1 or more, or no children!
Of course, if you really can’t wait to see what the future holds, there are people you can talk to to try and help you get a glimpse into your future. TheCircle offers psychic phone readings, tarot card readings and astrology, among others.

Ant and I sometimes speculate as to the careers the kids are going to pick. We reckon Kaycee is either going to be a teacher or the boss of a large company because she lives to organise others and Ella is going to be something that doesn’t take much concentration because she has none!

Aiden’s not far off being an adult (how did that happen so fast?!) and he’s considering a career in computers. He’s not sure exactly what yet but our predictions about his future are slowly coming true! He’s been using the computer with ease since he was 2 so it was pretty easy to predict a career in computers for him!

No matter what path they each take, it’s wonderful seeing them grow, seeing the choices they’ll make and the lives they build 🙂

Please note: this post is in collaboration with TheCircle.