DIY projects for the New Year #HealthAndHome

Time for more DIY

We’ll have been living in our lovely home for three years in February next year. We’re so very happy here and I’m thankful every day that we live here 🙂
The only thing we’re not happy about is the bathroom. We did say when we moved in that we’d put up with it until we could afford to replace it. It’s pink. Very pink. I would have loved it back in the 80s but now I want something a little more modern!
Ant’s really good at DIY so he’s planning on fitting our new bathroom himself.

He fitted our new kitchen the year we moved in. I helped a bit by removing the tiles but I left the rest to him! He did a great job and it was such a relief to have a kitchen after being without one for so long.

As well as the bathroom, we also want to wallpaper and paint the living room and paint the hall, stairs and landing. When funds allow, Ant wants to build a utility room at the side of the house where our front door is. He needs more space in the kitchen and getting the washer and tumble dryer out would help enormously.

Lastly, he wants to put a wooden floor down on the patio. He built a cover over the patio last year and it’s been brilliant being able to store things outside without worrying about the rain.
We eat out there in the summer and the girls sleep out there on a fold down sofa bed. The new floor will be the finishing touch 🙂

Health and Home

As you can see, we have big DIY plans for next year. You can imagine how I felt when I saw the below infographic, knowing we’d got lots of things on the list, planned. I’d never have thought something so simple as removing wallpaper or tiles could cause an illness I’ve never even heard of, mesothelioma.

Slater and Gordon are mesothelioma lawyers. They’ve created this infographic to help bring about awareness of the different dangers when making improvements to your home.

If your home was built between the 1930s and the 1980s there’s a higher risk of having asbestos in your home. If you’re at all worried, you can have an asbestos survey to put your mind at rest.


Slater and Gordon DIY infographic


This post is brought to you in collaboration with Slater and Gordon.