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Garden furniture

Nearly Spring – Time To Get In The Garden

Last year was supposed to be the year of the garden. We did get the patio and cover done which was a big job. We also got my raised bed completed. However, my vision of having a nice lawn and a new border near the fence didn’t come to fruition.
It’s nearly Spring so it’s nearly time to get out and get some hard work done.

Nearly Spring, Time For a New Border

This year I want to get the border next to the fence done. Last year we took out all the shrubs so we could plant fruit bushes. We bought the fruit bushes from Poundstretcher while they were on sale for 50p each. It should have been a great bargain but after putting them in a bucket to soak, I then totally forgot about for them for days probably more like weeks if I’m totally honest and they died. Our bargain turned into a complete waste of money!

I’m definitely going to get the fruit bush border completed this year.

new border coming soon!

The Lawn Needs Work

The lawn was completely neglected last year. It’s now in a terrible state and needs some love and attention. As soon as we get some dry days, we’re going to strim then mow the lawn.
When we moved in it looked lovely and we’re going to make it look that way again!

Look how nice our lawn was when we moved in!
Look at it now!

Patio Furniture

There is currently a mishmash of furniture on the two patios. We have a bed settee that’s seen better days but we have to keep it because Kaycee and Ella love sleeping on it in the summer. I’m going to cover it this year to make it look nice again.

All the other furniture, except for our big table, needs replacing. I love the look of rattan garden furniture sets but Ant’s not too keen so I’ve been searching online for an alternative.

I found a wooden 4 piece coffee set on Garden Camping that looks even better than the rattan sets I’ve seen. Every year I say that it would be lovely to sit out with Ant on a summer morning, having a coffee and watching the activity in the wildlife pond.
This set would be perfect at the side of our garden pond 🙂

Manhatten 4 piece coffee set from Garden Camping

Top Of The Garden

The top of the garden is going to be the biggest job of all. We cleared it last year with the help of our family but over Autumn and Winter, it’s got nearly as bad again.
It’s full of rubbish and all the plants/weeds/bushes etc that we cut down last year.

Our plan was to dig it over, plant some fruit trees and put down some lawn seed. I don’t know if we’re still going to do this but seeing as we’re going to be doing it last, we’ve got time to change our minds!


messy garden

it all feels a little overwhelming but we’ll get there!


Grouping Great Garden Goods

Grouping Great Garden Goods

For a lot of people, their garden plays a massive part in their life. People use this space to play with their kids, socialise with friends, and as an escape from normal life. This part of your home is just as important as the rooms inside. And, so, it makes sense that a lot of people want their garden to look fantastic. It’s a shame, then, that so many people ignore the furnishings they have outside. Instead, it’s easy to use the cheapest or easiest to come by options to have available. It doesn’t have to be this way, though. To help you out, this post will be going through a process to help you to start choosing the best furniture for your garden.

Bench in woodland

(Image Source)


  • Materials and colours


Like the rooms inside your home, you should be aimed to create a theme with the garden. This all starts with the materials you use to adorn it. For example, a lot of modern gardens mainly use metals like aluminium and steel. But, gardens with more traditional styling will often use wood and stone for their decoration. You have a wealth of different materials to choose from, with loads of different looks. Of course, you don’t have to have an exact material throughout the entire garden. But, you do need to have options which complement one another. For example, a metal table with wooden chairs would look strange. But, having a wooden table set with metal lanterns surrounding it would look great.


A large part of this process involves looking at colour. The colours in your garden will contribute a great deal of the feel of the space. Lighter colours will inspire feelings of summer and warmth, whereas darker ones could feel colder and less inviting. Having a good balance between light and dark is very important. And, you should be using the colours you already have as a guide. For example, if your garden is filled with purple flowers, having some light wooden furniture would be nice. Or, if your garden is occupied by mainly yellow flowers, some dark metal would do the trick. There are loads of places to help with inspiration in this area, like Instagram and Pinterest. So, there’s no excuse for having a boring garden.

Great garden Furniture

(Image Link)


  • Styles


With the right colours and materials in mind, you’re ready to put together the final pieces of the puzzle. There are loads of different styles for tables, chairs, and other garden furniture. And, it’s surprising just how much a different style can change your garden. Like your colours and materials, the styles inside your garden should be consistent. For example, it would look weight to have a mix of Victorian garden chairs and a modern table. So, it’s important to make sure these things match.

hankfully, modern design has come a long way over the years. And, now, it’s possible to get your hands on furniture in hundreds of different styles. You can get some great inspiration in this area with some simple research. Most outdoor furniture stores will have their options on display. This gives you the chance to compare styles and find ones which work well with each other. It’s alright to have more than one style, as long as they match.

barrel table

(Image Credit)


  • Finding the best options


At this point, you should have a good idea of what your garden needs to push it to a new level. You’ve explored styles, materials, and colours. And, then, you’re almost ready to start buying some items. But, of course, you still need to figure out exactly what you want. This is going to take some work, though. To start, you should be looking for inspiration. Furniture stores, social media, and other people’s gardens are the best places for you to find your ideas. You don’t have to pay to get to these places, giving you a great resource to find new options. And, they’re always being updated. Spend as much time as you can searching for this sort of inspiration. Once you have a great garden, it will all be worth it.


As you find options you like, you should make notes of them. But, you’re still not ready to start buying, yet. Instead, you need to do some more research. Finding the best prices for items like this will require some patience. There are loads of review and comparison sites out there which are dedicated to helping customers to find the best products. Using tools like this, you can find the very best prices for the furniture you want. Of course, the options from each company won’t be identical. So, to get the best deal, you may have to make a couple of compromises. This sort of effort will give you the best chance to find items which match your needs. There’s still more, though.


Once you know exactly what you want to buy for your garden, you’re ready to start making it cheaper. Modern shopping is more of a game than ever, nowadays. Most stores will have constant promotions running, with different ways to save money on their goods. To find these deals, you have to do some legwork. Simple Google searches for the item you want might be enough. But, it could also be worth checking the social media of the companies you’ve chosen.

Sometimes, companies will also have sales directly through their own site. Taking the time to visit Bridgman for offers today could save you a whole lot of money later. Buying directly like this cuts out the costs of shipping and the store’s bills, opening the doors to greater savings. Of course, you won’t be able to save on everything. But, there’s a good chance that at least a couple of your choices will have reductions.


Hopefully, this will give you a good idea of what can be done to ensure you have the best possible furniture within your garden. A lot of people ignore this area, choosing to go with the cheapest options they can. But, this part of your home is a very important one. So, it’s well worth putting the time in to find the best options. Always remember to do plenty of research before changing any part of your home. It’s easy to miss the best chances, simply because you didn’t do enough.

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Garden Essentials From HomeSense

Garden Essentials


It’s the year of the garden for us, as you may know, so we’ve been window shopping for ideas. We’ve got a plan but as we know from previous experience, plans tend to change when inspiration strikes!

We’ve seen some lovely garden furniture at HomeSense

garden furniture garden essentials

garden recliner

wooden garden chair

The girls would love this swing seat 🙂

garden swing seat

garden table and chairs

garden chair

Don’t you just love this birdhouse? We want to make our garden as wildlife friendly as possible so we’re going to be adding bug hotels, bee and butterfly friendly plants and birdhouses 🙂

bird house

I used to have lots of gnomes in the garden but when we moved we got rid of them because they weren’t looking the best. I’ve decided we’re going to have lots of fairy ornaments in this garden but I did fall in love with this little fella!

It’s not your typical garden gnome but I think that’s why I like it 🙂

red garden gnome

We want lots of lights in the garden. The pink watering can ones are my favourite.

garden lights

We’re not going to have many borders so I’m going to have lots of planters dotted around.

elephant planter

HomeSense doesn’t just stock pretty things for your garden, they also have a full range of tools.

garden tools

Hopefully we’ll get chance to get out in the garden next week and get the new raised bed finished 🙂

“Let’s Sit Outside” — Creating the Perfect Outdoor Space For the Family

By paying keen attention to the design of your garden, you can effectively create an extra living space for your family to use during the warmer months. To help ensure your outdoor space is up-to-scratch, take a look
at the following top tips.

Select stylish and comfy furniture

No outside space is complete without some stylish and
comfortable furniture to relax on. By selecting the perfect table and chairs, you can
help ensure that you’re able to sunbathe, drink dine and relax when the sun’s out and generally get the most of your garden furniture.

Invest in outdoor dining extras

If your family enjoys entertaining, you should invest in
some extras for your outdoor dining area too. A decent barbeque can represent a
savvy purchase and a patio heater will help ensure that your guests stay warm
even after sundown. Also, a parasol, awning or another form of coverage can
protect you if the sun gets too strong or if the heavens suddenly open.
Ideally, your entertaining area should be situated on a
patio or decked area. These surfaces can be used even after downpours when the
rest of the ground is wet and muddy.

Nurture your lawn

Some households opt to get rid of their grass completely to
make garden maintenance easier. However, if you have kids, a lawn is a must.
Your little ones will want somewhere to play, and there’s no substitute for
soft, green turf. If your grass is looking a little worse for wear, or you
don’t have any at present, you can grow a new lawn from seeds. This is best done
from late summer to mid-autumn when the soil is warm and there is less
competition from weeds. Seeds are a cheaper option than placing turf and this
approach tends to be more effective in awkward areas, such as corners and
To complete your lawn, you may want to consider adding play
features such as climbing frames, rock walls, slides and swings. Having these
resources right there on your doorstep can save you trips to the park.
Meanwhile, tents, tree houses, small sheds and other bases can make the perfect
settings for imaginative games.

Start a veg patch

Gardens can provide you with a great chance to bond with
your children too. Starting a vegetable patch and getting the whole family
involved will encourage you to spend more quality time together in your outdoor
area. If you don’t have space or desire to create a full-scale vegetable
patch, you can opt for growing containers instead. Just make sure that the
plants you choose are suited to the conditions.
By introducing features like these into your garden, you can
help ensure it’s perfect for all the family.
Image by …love
, used under Creative Commons licence.
This post has been created in collaboration with Brian Smith.
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