3 Tips To Clearing A Clogged Bathtub Drain

Clearing A Clogged Bathtub Drain


A clogged bathtub drain is one of the most common household problems that gets even worse if not immediately dealt with. It usually starts with a deep pool of water that doesn’t drain the way it should. The problem may be caused by an accumulation of hair strands, dirt, grease, and/or soap scum inside the drainage system.

Like any other household issue, there are a few ways that you can minimize the chances of getting a clogged bathtub drain in the future. You may install a drain protector to catch hair, small pieces of soap, and other particles. Every month or so, you may also pour at least two litres of boiling water directly into the drain to dissolve grease clumps. Once the problem arises, you may consider these three tips to clearing a clogged bathtub drain and prevent it from getting out of your hand. The sooner you take an action, the easier it is for you to remove the clog.


  1. Remove the clog using different tools.

Using a plunger is perhaps the cheapest and quickest way to remove a simple clog in a bathtub drain. To increase the suction power, apply petroleum jelly around the rim of the suction cup and add more water until the bottom of the cup is fully submerged. There are however different types of drain clogs that are more difficult to remove by using only a plunger such as those located deep inside the pipe system and those caused by lumps of hair strands.

If using a plunger doesn’t work, then removing the clog using your hands should be a good alternative. Do not forget to wear gloves before the procedure and to apply disinfectant afterwards. Depending on the type of the drain, you may need to unscrew the cover first. Use a flashlight to locate shallow clogs and use needle nose pliers, metal hooks, or bent wires from metal coat hangers to reach deeper parts of the drain.

Clogged bathtub drain


  1. Remove the clog using chemicals.

While strong chemicals are available in most hardware stores and supermarkets, using them to unclog a bathtub drain should be one of your last resorts. They may be cheaper and easy to do but besides being harmful to the environment, they can also cause damage to the pipes especially if used frequently. Read the instructions carefully and take safety precautions before using these chemicals.

Although it is not as effective as using strong chemicals, using baking soda and vinegar is an eco-friendly alternative and is also safe for plastic pipes. Do this by pouring half a cup of baking soda and the same amount of vinegar directly down the drain. Allow the solution to set for at least thirty minutes before flushing the drain with boiling water.


  1. Call a professional plumber.

If you are worried about doing further damage to the pipes or are not comfortable with using chemicals, then hiring a professional plumber would be the best option. Although hiring one comes at a price, professional plumbers can accurately spot the cause of the problem and completely remove the clog; saving you from expensive repairs in the future. Plumbing Force, one of the leading service providers in the United Kingdom, offers same day emergency repairs for your toilet, bathroom, boiler, gas heater, drainage, and appliance problems.

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