What I’m afraid of #Blogtober16

What am I afraid of?

I’m afraid of the usual things like big spiders. I can cope if they’re not too big and if they stay away from me but if they start coming towards me, I get nervous!

I don’t like wasps because, unlike bees, they don’t leave you alone. I don’t feel guilty killing wasps when they’re flying in my face or trying to get on the food when we’re eating outside.

I’m most afraid of something happening to one of my children or my husband, though. When they were babies, I’d have mini-movies playing in my head of something awful happening to them. If I carried them downstairs I’d see myself falling and dropping the baby.
If I fed them in bed lying next to me, I’d see myself falling asleep and rolling onto the baby. I hated those mini-movies in my head!

fear afraid

I’m taking part in #Blogtober16. It’s a post every day during October with a different prompt. Tomorrow I’ll be telling you about my biggest accomplishment.
