Fall Maintenance For Furnaces

factory worker working on a furnace
Photo by Kateryna Babaieva from Pexels
This is a collaborative post

When you buy a new car, the first thing that’s on your mind is that you’re not going to have the same problems as your old one. Since the vehicle is new, maintenance wouldn’t be necessary for at least half a decade. That’s where most people get it wrong.

Spending just a day on maintenance each year will be more than enough to keep that car running for two decades. The same thing applies to a furnace. When people install one, they often forget that they need to do maintenance every fall. There are numerous things that will help in keeping your furnace in good working order, regardless of the model. Follow this link for more info https://www.thisoldhouse.com/heating-cooling/21016379/how-to-do-fall-furnace-maintenance.

First things first, you need to know the basics. Whenever something wrong happens in a heating system, there are a couple of things that could be responsible. That could be the thermostat, distribution system, or the source of the heat.

If the entire system isn’t working, then it has to be one of these three issues. It’s also possible that something has happened to the electricity that needs to be bringing power every second. Maybe the unit isn’t getting enough fuel too. All of these issues can be easily solved on your own without having to call a professional.

If you decide to call outside help, they’re going to charge you even if they change a single wire in the system. For that reason, it’s important for you to know how to identify when something is broken and whether you can fix it with a few minutes of online research.

For example, a thermostat that malfunctions could prevent the entire system from turning on. This is a simple process and can be fixed instantly by replacing the thermostat. The most important thing to remember is that common sense, and a bit of patience go a long way. 

What should you do before you start?

Photo by Berend de Kort from Pexels

To make sure that something is wrong with the furnace, you need to see whether the unit is connected to a source of electricity. Check the installation and see whether there is a tripped circuit breaker or some blown fuses. Click on this link to read more.

That is easy to identify since those problems blacken the cables. If you have a newer model, there might be a secondary source of power. Even if there is one, it should be close to the main panel. Always keep the documentation when you’re buying these kinds of products since you can quickly identify all of the parts.

If something feels off when you start the system, plug it out and wait for half an hour. That would be enough time for the motors to get to room temperature, and the next time you plug the power on, you can press the reset button.

If nothing happens, wait for another hour and try again. If nothing happens, you need to check the thermostat and see whether the gas is connected. One of the most common issues is that the gas has run out, and you need to bring a new container. 

Starting the work

When you’ve completed the previous step, and the unit is not working, then you need to turn off all of the electricity. If you’re not sure which fuse to remove, it’s wise to turn off the power for the entire house. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to electricity.

Open the plastic and see whether you can trip the breaker into the second panel. However, if your furnace breaks, call Bosque for help. Especially if you think that the fuse will blow. If that happens twice in a row, it’s time to call a professional.

Avoid handling problems that are connected to the electrical system since you need years of experience to localize the issue. Find someone competent who can come and repair everything safely. On the other hand, if you start smelling a gas-like odour in your house, then don’t attempt to turn on the lights or to turn off the gas.

That’s going to create even more problems. Instead, leave your home immediately and phone the fire department or the gas company. Reporting the leak is the only thing that you can do in that situation. Make sure to wait for professional help and do not go back into the house until it’s safe.