Read 100 books #33 The Judas Scar by Amanda Jennings

Well I didn’t make my 100 book challenge. There’s no way I’m going to read another 65 books (still got 34 and 35 to write about) before the end of my day zero challenge next month!

Read 100 books - the judas scarAnyway, here are my thoughts on The Judas Scar by Amanda Jennings. I got this book through the Britmums book club and it’s the first book from the book club that I’ve really liked and actually finished.
It came with a lovely postcard, same design as the cover with a note from the author. I loved this little touch and used it as a bookmark ๐Ÿ™‚

Will and Harmony are seemingly very happily married but as you get pulled into the story, you find out there are a few cracks showing, mainly down to the miscarriage they’re both dealing with, or so we thought.
Harmony thinks they can try again, but Will told her when they got married that he didn’t ever want children and it’s not going to be as easy for them as Harmony hopes.

You’d think this would be enough for the couple to have to deal with but we find that Will is trying to bury his past, a past that is slowly shown to involve bullying at boarding school.
It’s all brought right back to him though when his one time best friend from school, Luke, suddenly appears in his life.

Harmony, Will and Luke’s lives become intertwined by present actions and past hurts.

I wasn’t prepared for the ending, I usually see the twists coming and know what’s going on for most of the story but this one kept me in suspense and made me look forward to losing myself in the story each night.

I was surprised to start feeling sorry for the bad guy and angry at the supposedly good guy. I had to remind myself that the good guy wasn’t a guy when it all happened, he was a child, a child with his own demons to deal with, at an age where he shouldn’t have had any at all.

I was sorry to finish the book because I knew I was going to miss it!

I now have to read Sworn Secret, Amanda’s first novel and I’m looking forward to future books ๐Ÿ™‚