Eco-Friendly Housing – 4 Ways To Help The Environment

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More and more of us are trying to help the environment these days which is why building eco-friendly housing is becoming very popular.
If you’re thinking about building your own eco-friendly house or you’re looking to invest in a rental property, East Bay PMC shares 4 ways you can help the environment and your bank balance!

Eco-friendly Housing


Insulation is one of the most important factors when building an eco-friendly house. Making sure all of your house is correctly insulated from wall and floor insulation to pipe lagging will help to reduce your carbon footprint and your monthly bills.

There is a whole host of eco-friendly insulations products to choose from. Denim insulation is 100% recycled from blue jeans and is totally safe to use because it’s made from cotton.
Another option is sheep’s wool insulation. We’ve been using sheep’s wool for centuries to make clothes and blankets and now you can use it to insulate your home.

sheep - wool insulation

Renewable Energy

There are a few ways to use renewable energy for your home, depending on where your home is situated.
If you have lots of space and don’t have close neighbours (they can be noisy and annoying if used in residential areas), you could invest in a small scale wind turbine which could create enough energy to cover most of your household needs.
Make sure you do your research, however, as it can take many years to break even as the setup costs can be very high.

One of the most popular ways to use renewable energy for private dwellings is to install solar panels. They can provide enough energy for regular household use and you can use solar batteries to store any energy that isn’t used. You can see the types of solar batteries for your needs on the Eko Tree Lithium website.
This is a great way to have energy throughout the months that aren’t as sunny.

eco-friendly housing - wind power

Water Conservation & Hydro-Power

Finding ways to conserve water can help reduce your energy consumption.
We all know by now that having a shower is much better than having a bath and with today’s modern showers, it’s even more eco-friendly.

Collecting rainwater and installing systems for watering your garden, using low flow taps and showers as well as water efficient white goods such as dishwashers and washing machines can save gallons of water.

If you live at the side of a river or stream, you can also use that water to create energy using hydro-power.
It can cost about the same to install as solar panels but hydro-power isn’t affected by weather changes. It’s stable and continuous and can generate much more power than solar panels or wind turbines. This makes it the best choice for homeowners who are lucky enough to live near flowing water.

bridge over a river - hydro power

Energy Star Products

When it comes to eco-friendly housing, you need to check out Energy Star products. These products have been certified as being energy efficient by the Environmental Protection Agency.

There are hundreds of products available from appliances, building products, electricals and lighting to heating and cooling and office equipment.

With lots of research and help from the experts, you can create a wonderful eco-friendly home that you can feel comfortable in for years to come with the knowledge that you’ve done your best to reduce your carbon footprint.

1 Comment

  1. Is Your Family Doing Enough For The Planet? - 8th April 2024 at 10:40 pm

    […] you are keen to try and make sure that you are doing your part for the planet, there are a lot of approaches that you might want to bear in mind, and the truth is that it is […]

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